The treeUT Project.
We grow trees (from seed).
Then we give them away.
For free.
You can too.

Our mission

To help the environment using nature's own abundance

Trees produce a countless number of seeds every year. Yet so few of these, especially in our towns and cities, ever become trees themselves. We want to tap into this wonderful natural resource by gathering seeds, planting them in pots and getting them to grow. Once they’re ready, we want to give them away. To schools. To organisations. To businesses. Even individuals. In fact to anyone who can make their local environment a greener, more beautiful place.

And we want to do all this in a sustainable, cash-free way that doesn’t rely on donations.


To encourage others to do the same

We’re new to this game. We’ll learn as we go. We’ll no doubt make a few mistakes along the way. Whatever happens, we want to share our experience with others, because we hope other people will follow our example and start their own version of The treeUT Project.

Why you should consider starting your own treeUT:

it's really, really easy...

We get it. You’d love to do your bit for the environment but you simply don’t have the time.

Problem solved.

Because setting up a treeUT is quick and easy (check out our ‘Do-it-Yourself’ page). And once it’s up and running it requires very little effort or commitment – because the trees do all the work! The only thing you need do is keep an eye on things from time to time.

it's free...


There’s no reason why starting a treeUT should cost you a penny. All you need is a handful of seeds (which are out there right now just waiting to be collected) a few old plant pots and a bit of soil. If you can’t get hold of any pots, improvise. Try using those single-use drinks cups or sawing the bottom of a plastic bottle and punching a hole in it.


...and it's fun!

We may have serious aims but that doesn’t mean we can’t have some fun along the way!

We see The treeUT Project as a great way of connecting with people. We want to hear from others and learn from their experience, we want to share tips and advice, help out with pots, compost and seeds, swap stories over a cup of coffee or a glass of wine… 

And what’s more a project like this is very rewarding. You get that feeling of satisfaction that comes with seeing something you started grow and develop. Something meaningful you can share with those around you.


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